One of a set of twelve woodblock prints by Huy, c.1555, from a design manual depicting faces composed of elements from nature that leads to the style known as 'auricular'.
We maintain contacts amongst private collectors and the trade so that we can help purchasers locate the works of art they are keen to acquire. This includes works for institutional consideration, investment purposes or those of decorative appeal.
Whether purchasing privately, though auction or from dealers, we are able to advise clients on correct procedure, pricing and due diligence during the process of buying works of art in this field. We are also able to draw on our experience to offer a broader market and historical perspective on items being considered for purchase.
The process of dispersing both single pieces and collections can be fraught with complications. We are able to guide the prospective seller on all aspects and stages of this process in order to ensure a smooth and successful outcome. We are able to act as agents for those looking assistance in dealing with an auction sale or those looking to having their art works placed privately.
In addition to important works of art from the India world and the Middle East, we also offer and source works useful to the interior designer and those looking to furnish their homes with the unusual and beautiful. These include sets of paintings, prints and textiles amongst a wide variety of other works of art.